Shirku is a young budding magician travelling to the great magician's island to become a master magician. But something has gone horribly wrong on the island. And he wants to find out what. This is the premis of the game and we created the character based on this.

"Lovable and distinctive. Shirku's great."

The character is a young child in his sleeping pyjamas that are designed like a magician's robe along with his star studded magician's hat. He is in his favourite boots. And has his powerful beginner's magic wand. There are only 6 moving parts in total which reduces the animator's load.

The face is gently smiling and can move from the neck to see upwards and downwards. There are only 3 expressions which are animated to conditions in gameplay.


Background concepts for different levels namely, Beach - Jungle - Spooky, have been designed for colour schemes and continuous scroll. These concepts will be further modified and developed as gameplay design progresses. Also sequence designs and block designs are under way and will be finished side by side with game code and play sequences.

"Beach - Jungle - Spooky"