Cafe Coffee Hutt is an up and coming local favorite coffee house and fastfood joint. They recently moved to a larger location with better infrastructure and more seating capacity. This new space is designed to be a perfect hangout place for both young and old.

But this perfect spot is located on a street out of the market and with lesser footfall. As a resultant, they realised a drop in their walk-ins while their online and delivery orders had remained stable.The plush comfortable place needed a playful inviting buzz.

"Playful. Inviting. Comfortable."

The brief was simplified to these three words. Graphic designs for inhouse uses such as placemats, coasters and environmental posters were created.

"The Hot Burger - This Winter Offer"

We created a copy "The Hot Burger - This Winter Offer" for their ongoing offers and aligned them with the brief. This copy also attempts to resolve the question of stone cold food deliveries during the winter season. It invites customers to relish on hot food while enjoying the cozy and comfortable space the campaign promotes.


Coupons to be given with devilery orders, hoardings around the corners of the street showing offers and directions, online content for social media and newspaper inserts were designed to reach maximum people around the new place.
